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Monday, November 17, 2014

Self Reflection

Journal #6: 

Since this is review for me, I'm amazed at the amount of recent changes in HTML 5. Occasionally, it is difficult for me to break old habits and make use of the new coding systems, but with the amount of training and exercises provided, I have been getting the hang of it. I'm excited to see the new improvements and learn the new content. Although it may be difficult, I'm prepared to adapt to the new changes. To view some of the exercises i have completed, please follow the links provided below:

Book exercises
Lab exercises

Monday, November 3, 2014

Trying Twitter

Journal #5

I believe use of twitter can be effective in educational settings. One of the advantages that can twitter have is giving the students a sense of belonging which is one of the most important elements in young and growing youths. As any other social media or connection tools twitter also can be abused in a wrong ways, but by a closer monitoring and educating the students, this problem can be controlled better. 

Q: Is modern technology such as twitter going to be the future of educational settings?

A: The way society and technology is moving is seems to have no choice but to adapt the technology use in educational setting. years ago no one used web site and email to keep connected to schools, but nowadays it seems without technology use connections are limited.

Q: Would the users/ students feel more comfortable communicating via twitter since this method omits face to face interaction?

A: Use of twitter in k-12 setting can be beneficial since most youths do avoid face to face interaction in educational setting. It seems like they have a easier time sharing their opinion or responding to others through social media.