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Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Case For Social Media in Schools

Journal #3

Kessler, S. (2010, September 29). The Case for Social Media in Schools. Retrieved October 18, 2014, from http://mashable.com/2010/09/29/social-media-in-school/

This article is reviewing case studies that have shown better performance and increase of grades with the addition of social media and technology to the learning environment. One of the elements it points out is the fact that "Social Media is Not Going Away". The survey it discusses has indicated that more students are using social media and banning it from students has negative results. Another fact the author indicates is "When Kids Are Engaged, They Learn Better". The case study in which students were asked to write a blog showed that the students overall grades increased, as did the quality of their  work.  The article also elaborates how "Safe Social Media Tools Are Available — And They’re Free". Using the controlled and safe social media environment allows the students get benefit without bending the budget or sacrificing their safety. The author also suggests when the chance is given students "Replace Online Procrastination with Social Education". When school work was assigned through social media, it motivated the students to do more work. With the promotion of the use of social media, students were encouraged to collaborate with all of their peers instead of cliques, a work style  which lends itself more to real world applications. Lastly, the author elaborates on how "Cell Phones Aren't the Enemy". Nowadays students all own cell phones, a parent sponsored tool, which can create a better connection among educators and students. Even Though there are risk with young students being online he author shows the benefits clearly outweighs the risks.

Q: Given the information in this article would you be prefer your children to learn in an environment which intergrades social media? 
A: With the indicated studies it seems that students learning process is enhanced through the use of social media. As any other system as long as the usage does not become excessive and out of hand, I prefer to use new technology to keep the students in the loop.

Q: Do you think its appropriate for an educator to communicate with their students via text messages?
A: I am still not comfortable for an educator to allow students method of communication to be through texting. This approach  can be challenging due to level of maturity of the students.

1 comment:

  1. While social media has its educational benefits, there are two major concerns when using social media: too many advertisements and privacy issues, especially children. These two concerns are the risks when using any form of social media, because people use social media for different purposes. I do agree with you that social media is not going away anytime soon, but the risks of using social media will not go away, either.
